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Item Open Access Assessment of x-ray radiation on x-ray workers and associated potential health problems in Owerri(Federal University of Technology, Owerri, 2013-06) Onyekaokwu, Okeke CyriacusA study on assessment of X-ray radiation among X-ray workers and associated potential health problems in Owerri was carried out with the thermolumolunescent dosimeter between 12th April to 30th December 2011. A total of 50 workers were used for the study. Comprising 24 male X-ray workers and 26 female X-ray workers. The mean X-ray dose below permissible doses is 9.4.7 the T-test is -4.29; the P-value is 0.000. The mean exposure factor is <100 is 88.52 and the standard deviation is 15.88, the standard error mean is 2.25, T-test is -5.11, P-value is 10.000 There is high doses above >20msv upto six test which involve 3 male x-ray workers and 3 female x-ray workers. The result of the study show high rate of hair loss, cancer, cataract, erthyma and sterility, each provide evidence of excess exposure of X-rays. Therefore it is recommended that workers should wear protective device e.g lead aprons, gonads cover during exposure to X-ray and also limit their exposure timeItem Open Access Sequence stratigraphic interpretation of wells 1,2,3 & 4 in the "GERA" field, Greater Ughelli Depobelt, Niger Delta Basin, Nigeria(Federal University of Technology, Owerri, 2014-02) Onwualu, Nneka EmeldaA sequence stratigraphic approach was employed to understand sediments penetrated in Gera Field situated in the Greater Ughelli Depobelt, Central Niger Delta Basin. The technique incorporates biostratigraphic and well log data in constructing a high resolution sequence stratigraphic framework for the field. The analysis of the above data sets enabled the subdivision of the transverse part of the stratigraphic column within the field into sequences and system tracts. Four 3rd order Maximum Flooding Surfaces (MFS) and their intervening sequence boundaries (SB) were interpreted in the area. Three depositional sequences were interpreted within the field and were subdivided into transgressive systems tract and highstand systems tract. Four maximum flooding surfaces correlate with the 28.1Ma, 31.3Ma, 33.0Ma and 34.0Ma of the transgressive marker shales of the Niger Delta Chronostratigraphic Chart. The 28.1 million years (Ma) MFS (G. Opima Opima) with its distinct log signature, constitutes the regional seal rock while the different sequence boundaries act as excellent reservoirs of the field. Of the four sequence boundaries, only one was found to be truly Type-1 sequence boundary, while the other three could not be convincingly attributed to a Type-1 sequence boundary, since a lowstand systems tract does not overlie them. The age of sediments penetrated in Gera field is found to range from Early – Late Oligocene as deduced from the foram zonations of wells in the field.Item Open Access Patterns of diarrhoeal diseases in under-five children in Emekuku: A hospital-based study(Federal University of Technology, Owerri, 2014-04) Njoku, Chinonyerem JohnThis study was undertaken to determine the patterns of diarrhoeal diseases in under-5 children and the associated risk factors in Emekuku, Imo State, Nigeria. A matched pair case control study design with strict inclusion and exclusion criteria was adopted. Cases were children with loose watery feces, pathologically diagnosed with diarrhoea by the physician. Each case was captured immediately after diagnosis by the physician and administered with the questionnaire. Controls were children diagnosed of any other disease other than diarrhoea. Both cases and controls were appropriately matched in terms of age, sex, and other determinants and enrolled from the outpatient and children’s wards of the Hospital. A total of 176 under-5 children were enrolled with 88 cases and 88 controls. The results showed that most cases of diarrhoea observed were acute (93.2%), while persistent diarrhoea accounted for 6.8%. Ninety five percent (95%) of diarrhoeal cases were watery, with mean number of stools/child/day being 4.3 times (SD 1.92). Of the 17 exposure variables analyzed, only age (6-11 month); breast feeding (complementary feeding) (P<0.001); birth weight, maternal employment (unemployed women); toilet type (pit toilet); hand washing with water only (P<0.001); use of rain water and crowding index were significantly associated with diarrhoeal disease occurrence observed in this studied. The study shows that diarrhoeal diseases are still prevalent in this area. Interventions on exclusive breast feeding, provision of improved toilet type, and education on appropriate hand washing methods and improved sanitation should be intensified.Item Open Access Impact of oil spillage on physicochemical quality parameters of Abonema creek water(Federal University of Technology, Owerri, 2014-11) Onwuagba, Chinwe GraceThe current study investigated the impact of oil spillage on Physicochemical Quality parameters of Abonema creek water. Water sample was collected with a container from 3 different locations which included the control site. The samples were subjected to standard physicochemical analysis. Among other parameters analysed, conductivity(µs/cm2) (22000 – 29600),TDS (mg/L) (15400 – 20720), total petroleum hydrocarbon (mg/L) (0.001-1246.6) SO4-2(mg/L) (350 –510),Cl-(mg/L) (6900-8900), Pb2+(0.014 – 0.266 ), and alkalinity (mg/L) (65 – 75), where all above recommended WHO standard. This implies that the river is polluted by the discharge of effluent from petroleum exploration activities. Water sample from the affected site was more higher than that of the control. Companies should not wait until a spill is out of hand before a cleanup intervention; timely cleanup exercise should be encouraged.Item Open Access A Review of economic potentials of the river port of Onitsha(Federal University of Technology, Owerri, 2015-02) Okonkwo, ChukwukaInland waterways are one sector of transportation that has been grossly underutilized the world over, despite being one of the earliest form of transportation and facilitator of trade between people. This study aims to review the economic potentials of the Onitsha inland river port. The study adopted a mixed method research design as data were sourced from the secondary source (NIWA, NPA statistical bulletins & journals) and primary source using a well-structured likert modelled questionnaires administered to about 50 respondents. The data gathered were subjected to analysis using tools such as Analytical hierarchy process (AHP), Time series modeller and Trend analysis with the aid of AHP calculator and IBM Statistics Package for Social Scientists (SPSS V21) computer software. The findings depicts that the volume of import cargos from seaports destined for the southeast states which forms the hinterland for the river port shows a significant positive trend estimated by the linear regression line Y = 14075X – 18057. The time series modeller used to analyze the cargo trend series shows an acceptable value of R-squared and stationary R-squared of 72.3% and a mean average percentage error of 50.066%, indicating that the present are approximately 50% short of predicted volume by trend. The AHP results indicate that inland waterways (0.5276), road (trucking) (0.2527) and air (0.2197) in that order are the preferred mode of freight movement for logistics operators in the south east if presented with alternatives. The following factors in descending order forms the basis of their choice of freight means; safety (0.6026), timeliness (0.1822), costs (0.1174), efficiency (0.0691) and carrying capacity (0.0286). In conclusion, the southeast bound import cargoes from the seaports can well serve the Onitsha river port and are even short of their projected volume for the time period under study. It was recommended that the government should ensure continuous dredging of inland waterways and river banks to ensure all round navigability of the waterways. Government or future concessionaires of Onitsha river port should ensure installation of handling and storage facilities for bulk agricultural products like grain storage silos, pumps and tanks for vegetable oil, etc. to ensure the river port is capable of handling shipments of bulk agricultural products.Item Open Access An efficient predictive model for choosing mobile cellular service provider in Nigeria(Federal University of Technology, Owerri, 2015-07) Ohuabunwa, Augustine EbereFree competition and new network technology have increased competition and widened the range of network service available throughout the world. However, for cellular network service providers, loyalty is a rare trait among customers when it comes to choosing a particular mobile cellular system provider. Despite the huge financial commitment by companies into their respective communication technologies, users ultimately make decisions based on their perceived quality of service (QoS). This thesis attempts to identify the factors affecting the Quality of Service of cellular mobile network providers in Nigeria and put their effect in quantifiable terms using four leading telecommunication firms viz. MTN-Nigeria, Globacom, Etisalat and Airtel. With a clear choice of information sources, regressional analysis and SPSS was utilized. It was discovered that six factors affect the quality of service of cellular mobile network: Network coverage/ Availability of service(X5), Call quality(X3), Price of service (X4) , Customer care(X2), Diversity of bundle option of service (X1) and Promotion/Offering of Incentive(X6). A predictive model was derived as : Y = 3.731+0.565X5 + 0.440X3 + 0.221X2+ 0.189X4 + 0.165X1 + 0.097X6.The significance of the factors X4, X1 , X2 and X6 depend on X5 and X3, hence Y = 3.731(1+0.1514 X5+0.1179 X3).Item Open Access Effects of fly ash and rice-husk ash on lime stabilization of expansive soils from Lokpaukwu and Awgu, Nigeria(Federal University of Technology, Owerri, 2018-10) Nnabuihe, kingsley IkechukwuSoil stabilization refers to the technique of altering the properties of a soil so as to improve its engineering performance. It aims at using chemical additives such as lime as a lone stabilizer or in combination with industrial residues (fly ash, rice husk ash, etc) to achieve this fit. This work investigates the effects of lime alone, lime fly ash (LFA) and lime-rice husk ash (LRHA) blends in varying percentage mixtures on the engineering properties of expansive soils from Lokpaukwu (Ezeaku Formation) and Awgu (Awgu Formation) in Lower Benue Trough. The soils were stabilized with different percentages of lime (i.e. 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10%) and varying percentage ratio for lime-fly ash and lime-rice husk ash blends (i.e. 2 : 6, 2 : 8, 2.5:7.5, 2.5 : 10, 3 : 9, 3 : 12, 4 : 12, 4 : 16, 5 : 15 and 5:20).Liquid limit, plastic limit, linear shrinkage, compaction characteristics and California Bearing Ratio (CBR) tests were performed on the natural and lime-treated Lokpaukwu and Awgu soil samples while consistency limits and linear shrinkage tests only were performed on the lime-residue treated soil samples. Results of the study indicate that optimum reduction percentage of 24.14% and 30.56% (liquid limits), 72.22% and 74.42% (plasticity indices), 56.14% and 60.12% (linear shrinkages) and maximum percentage increase of 25.60 and 33.70 (Optimum Moisture Content (OMC)), 193.3 and 250 (unsoaked CBR), and 766 and 700 (soaked CBR) for Lokpaukwu and Awgu samples respectively were obtained on stabilizing the soils with 6% lime content. The results from lime-fly ash (LFA) and lime-rice husk ash (LRHA) blends indicate that liquid limits, plasticity indices and Linear Shrinkages decreased from 58 and 72 to 46 and 51, 36 and 43 to 11 and 12, 11.4 and 14.3 to 6.4 and 7.1, and from 58 and 72 to 45 and 51, 36 and 43 to 10 and 11, 11.4 and 14.3 to 6.4 and 7.1 for Lokpaukwu and Awgu samples respectively when treated with Lime-fly ash blend of 3 – 12% and lime-rice husk ash blend of 3 – 9%. It could be concluded that improving the characteristics of expansive soils by lime-fly ash blend or lime-rice husk ash blend is successful and provides immense environmental and economic benefitsItem Open Access Classification of soils on slopes of varying orientations in Umuahia area of Abia State, South Eastern Nigeria(Federal University of Technology, Owerri, 2018-10) Aliba, Vero O.Slope aspect affects soil properties. The study characterized and classified soils on slopes of varying orientations in Umudike (East-lying Topo sequence) and Itu (West-lying Topo sequence), both in Olokoro Umuahia, southeastern Nigeria. Transect soil sampling technique was employed in locating three distinct positions, namely summit, midslope and foot slope along each of the topo sequences at the East and West-lying orientations. A profile pit was dug at the most representative points of the topo sequences in each of the two locations and the soil profiles were described in situ, following the FAO guidelines. Soil samples were collected from each pedon based on the horizon differentiations and subjected to routine laboratory analyses. The soils were classified using the USDA Soil Taxonomy and correlated with the FAO World Reference Base. Data obtained were subjected to statistical analysis (coefficient of variability and correlation) using the Genstat computer package. Results showed that soils of the East-lying slope were edominantly sandy-clay loam at the summit but sandy clay at the mid and foot slopes, while in the West-lying slope, the texture was dominantly sandy-clay loam at both the summit and mid slope but prominently sandy loam at the foot slope. Soils of East-lying slope had very dark grayish brown (10YR3/2) moist to strong brown (7.5YR5/8)moist, dark brown (7.5R3/2) to strong brown (7.5YR5/8) moist, dark gray (5YR4/1) to reddish yellow(7.5R6/8) moist colours at the summit, mid slope and foot slope respectively, while that of the West-lying topo sequence varied from brown (7.5YR4/2) moist to yellowish colour (5YR5/6), very dark grey (7.5YR3/1) moist to yellowish red (5YR5/8),very dark grayish brown (10YR3/2) moist to reddish yellow (5YR6/6) moist colours at the summit, midslope and foot slope, respectively. The weathering intensity of the soils varied from moderate to high with silt-clay ratios ranging from 0.04-0.93, 0.04-1.26 and 0.04-0.66 at the summit, mid slope and foot slope respectively, in the East-lying topo sequence and from 0.04-070, 0.27-1.59 and 0.14-1.08 at the summit, mid slope and foot slope respectively, i n the West-lying topo sequence. Bulk densities of soils increased with depth with mean values of 1.36 gcm-3, 1.32 g cm-3, and 1.34 g cm-3 recorded at the summit, slope and foot slope respectively, in the East-lying topo sequence and 1.37 g cm-3 , 1.33 g cm 3 and 1.32 g cm-3 at the summit, mid slope and foot slope respectively, in the West lying topo sequence. High variation (CV>35%) was noted in Ksat in the profiles of the top sequence, with values of Ksat ranging from 0.3-1.11 cm hr-1, 0.19-1.96 cm hr-1and 0.15-1.47 cm hr-1 at the summit, midslope and foot slope, respectively in the West-lying topo sequence whereas in the xiast-lying topo sequence, the values ranged from 0.18-2 cm hr-1 , 0.11-1.97 cm hr-1and 0.12-1.48 hr-1 at the summit, mid slope and foot slope, respectively. Soil pH was very strongly acidic (4.58-4.78) in the East-lying topo sequence but varied from very strongly acidic to strongly acidic (4.52-5.30), in the west lying topo sequence. Organic matter concentration was generally higher at the epipedons and ranged from (26.44to 23.36) gkg-1 and (30.64to 18.9) gkg-1 in soils of the East-lying and West-lying slopes, respectively. Effective cation exchange capacity varied from (8.63- 13.79) cmolkg-1 in the East-lying topo sequence and (10.42- 16.31) cmolkg-1 in the West –lying topo sequence. Soils of East-lying topo sequence were classified as Grossarenic Paleudalfs, Typic Paleudalfs and Arenic Hapludalfs Typic (USDA) at the summit, midslope and footslope, respectively and correlated with Mollic Luvisols of the World Reference Base (WRB) whereas the soils of West-lying slope were classified as Arenic Glossudalfs, Typic Paleudalfs and Typic Ferrudalfs (USDA) at the summit, midslope and footslope, respectively which correlate to Haplic Albeluvisols of the WRB (FAO) legendItem Open Access Assessment of surface water quality of Onuiyieke River in Imo State , Nigeria(Federal University of Technology, Owerri, 2019-12) Eze, Chinwe CatherineThe surface water quality of Onuiyieke River was assessed for a period of six months (September, 2017 - February, 2018) at seven sampling locations (SLs) to ascertain its quality status. Measurements were made on samples collected with 500ml sample bottles according to standard methods. Samples for heavy metals were collected in 250ml bottle and fixed with concentrated HN03. Descriptive analysis, variation plots, ANOVA, Duncan Multiple Range tests, Principal Components Analysis (PCA), Pearson Correlation (r) and Water Quality Index (WQI) were used to analyze data. Mean values of the parameters obtained were: Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 198.19 ±80.93mg/L; Electrical Conductivity (EC) 331.81 ±59.78µ; Turbidity 18.84 ± 2.22 NTU; Nitrate ions 14.77 ±0.92mg/L; Dissolved Oxygen (DO) 6.58 ±O.22mg/L and Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) 1.77±0.10mg/L. Mean values of the Trace Metals obtained were: Iron (Fe) 1.93 ±0.23mg/L; Magnesium (Mg) 0.22±0.02mg/L and Calcium (Ca) 15.15±1.87mg/L while the mean value of Faecal Coliform was 1.91±O.10MPN/100. pH, EC, TSS, BOD5, turbidity, N03-, Ammonia, Fe and faecal coliforms exceeded the NESREA and WHO maximum permissible limits. There were significant spatial differences in levels of TDS, EC, NO3, NH3, DO and Faecal coliforms (Sig F=0.000 to 0.039) and significant temporal differences in levels of PO43- (Sig F= 0.078 to 1000) between the control and other p<0.05. Four Principal Components (PCs) formed the extraction solution with a cumulative percentage variability of about 77.67 %. PCs 1, 2, 3, and 4 were most highly correlated with Mg2+ (0.925), NH4 (0.903), TSS (0.930) and temperature (0.840) respectively. The Water Quality Index revealed that the rating for the water quality across the sampling locations was between excellent and unsuitable with SL 3 having the least water quality. Appropriate monitoring procedures for the sustainable development of the river should also be put in place.Item Open Access Spatiotemporal assessment of air quality in selected LGA in Rivers State(Federal University of Technology, Owerri, 2019-12) Ukaegbu, Kingsley Ogochukwu EmmanuelThe pollution of ambient air has long been revealed as the most fatal form of environmental pollution. The levels of air pollution vary from one location to another and from time to time. The aim of the study is to assess the spatiotemporal distribution of air pollutants in selected LGAs in Rivers State. Nine points in the study area were sampled within two peak-periods (8.00 am and 4.00 pm), based on high industrial clusters, high vehicular traffic, and rising human population density. The concentrations of PM2.5, PM10, CO, SO2, and NO2 were measured using a handheld gas analyzer. A handheld Germin-300 GPS device was used to record the GPS coordinates of the sampling points which aided the data processing, to develop spatial interpolation maps in ArcMap. The results of air quality parameters were above the WHO and FMEnv air quality standards. PM 2.5 and PM10 have a maximum value of 159.23 and 378.39 respectively which is higher than the WHO and FMEnv Standard limits for 24 hours exposure. The recorded exceedance is 68.5ppb, 28.7ppb and 113.7ppb for SO2, NO2, and CO respectively, in the wet season. 71.1ppb, 15.31ppb and 58.9 ppb for SO2, NO2, and CO respectively in the dry season, are higher than WHO and FMEnv limited. Based on these, it is recommended that the populace of Port Harcourt city should limit their exposure especially in the dry season.Item Open Access Levels of aflatoxin M1 and selected heavy metals in the breast milk of lactating mothers in Owerri, Nigeria(Federal University of Technology, Owerri., 2020-02) Ekeanyanwu, Chidinma LyndaMother's breast milk which is the basic diet for infants is loaded with proteins, fats, carbohydrates and essential minerals which are necessary for proper nutrition of the infant. Regrettably, breast milk is also a likely source of aflatoxins and toxic metals which are unsafe for the breastfeeding child. In Nigeria, there is a paucity of information on aflatoxin and toxic heavy metals exposure, especially in the southeast region. In the present study, we assessed the level and frequency of breast milk AfM1 and some heavy metals as biomarkers of maternal exposure. Breast milk samples were collected from a selected group of 40 lactating mothers of infants attending the Federal Medical Centre Owerri, Imo State, between June and August 2019. Some heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Cr, Cu, Zn, Fe, As, and Hg) were analyzed using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry while AfM1 levels were assessed by HPLC with fluorescence detection after aflatoxin extraction. The mean (±standard deviation) concentration of AfM1 in the breast milk samples was 4.02±1.12 ng/L and 100% of all the samples contained AfM1 at 2.33 – 7.08 ng/L. AfM1 concentration was positively and significantly (p<0.01) associated with the daily consumption of cassava-based foods, groundnut oil, maize, tomatoes and dry fruit (p<0.05). No significant association (p>0.05) was observed between AfM1 concentration in breast milk with employment status and educational level in nursing mothers. The mean (±standard deviation) values of these heavy metals were Cd: 0.029±0.013 mg/L, Cr: 0.019±0.011 mg/L, Cu: 0.035±0.013 mg/L, Fe: 0.049±0.039 mg/L, Pb: 0.038±0.013 mg/L and Zn: 0.009±0.008 mg/L. The result of the estimated daily intake of breast milk by the breastfed infants shows that heavy metals such as Pb, Fe, and Cd are ingested more daily than other metals analyzed. There was a weak positive but non-significant correlation between heavy metal content and daily intake of maternal diet except for beans where a significant correlation (p<0.01) was found with Cr, Cu and Zn. A weak positive but non-significant correlation was also observed between exposure to heavy metals such as Cu, Fe and Pb and maternal diets. None of the samples exceeded the national and international legal regulatory limit for AfM1 and the selected heavy metals in breast milk except for chromium. Generally, their presence still poses a health risk.Item Open Access Evaluation of the flow regime identification capability of gamma-based multiphase flowmeters(Federal University of Technology, Owerri, 2021-04) Gbaden, Eric TersooThe application of a single beam, dual energy gamma densitometer unit in determining the flow patterns of vertically upward multiphase flow was investigated. A fast-sampling (250Hz) gamma densitometer was installed on a 3" schedule 160, 11.1mm wt inlet manifold riser in an onshore production facility, Delta-X, in the Niger Delta. Gamma radiation attenuation data for the caesium-137 radioisotope-based densitometer was collected for Well-X effluent of oil, water and gas mixture. Classification of the multiphase mixture's flow regimes was investigated through the analysis of the probability mass function (PMF) chart obtained from the soft gamma count data. The prevalent flow regimes identified during the trial period were bubbly, slug, churn, annular and transition (bubbly-slug and churn-annular) flows. The result showed consistency with similar test facility studies conducted using air, diesel oil and portable water. An economic model was proposed for evaluating the economic viability of replacing existing test separators with multiphase flowmeters. Results from the economic analysis showed that given the current cost of multiphase flowmeters, it is not viable to replace existing test separators with multiphase flowmeters on a per well basis. The valuation, however, favoured replacing an existing test separator with a single multiphase flowmeter. Sensitivity study indicated that installing multiphase flowmeters on a per well basis will be economically viable with over 60% reduction in multiphase flowmeter present CAPEX for an 8-well production facilityItem Open Access Investigation of local barites in drilling mugs formulation at HTHP conditions(Federal University of Technology, Owerri, 2021-04) Omeokwe, Ifeanyi KenechukwuIn order to counter-balance the formation pressure, the drilling mud is weighted up using a chemical additive, usually Barite. The usability of locally sourced Nigerian Barites on the major types of drilling fluids in conventional and High-Pressure-High-Temperature conditions is presented. Water-Based mud, Oil-Based mud and Synthetic oil-Based mud formulations with locally sourced Barite were tested according to the ‘API RP 13B’. Hole cleaning capabilities of the formulations by the use of Cutting Carrying Index and Cutting Concentration as indicators show that Osina, Gabu and Obubra Nigerian Barites with SG’s ranging from 4.0 to 4.6 are suitable for use as drilling fluid additives; with Cutting Carrying Index in the range of 23.27 to 120.54 for Water-Based mud, 0.89 to 3.98 for Oil-Based mud and 0.45 to 1.13 for Synthetic-Based mud, and Cutting Concentration of average of 4.15 vol. % at 355gpm and 300ft/hr ROP for Water-Based mud, Oil-Based mud and Synthetic-Based mud, with MAXROP of 364ft/hr under the same conditions. Moreso, laminar flow regime in the annulus is predicted for all the mud types under the same conditions and temperatures specified. CCI for water based mud decreased from ambient, 120oF, 180oF to 240oF, compared with API mud used as control sample. Oil extracted from Irvingia Gabonensis used to formulate the Synthetic-Based mud exhibited understandable physical properties such as SG of 0.836 at 60oC and a flash point of >300oC, and could serve as replacement for diesel used as base fluid in Oil-Based muds since it is also biodegradable, though the Synthetic-Based mud exhibited unfavourable characteristics in terms of low CCI value(s) and higher filter cake thickness. All the muds displayed flat or non-progressive gel; gel strengths that break with minimal initiation pressure. Locally sourced Nigerian barites have been shown to exhibit favourable properties in the mud formulations both in conventional and High-Pressure-High-Temperature drilling conditions.Item Open Access Bank regulation and gross domestic credit in Nigeria(Federal University of Technology, Owerri, 2021-09) Ewelike, Queendeanne NnekaThis study empirically assessed the effect of bank regulation on the gross domestic credit in Nigeria, using time series data from 1990 to 2018. Adopting the co integration procedures and the multiple regression, the results revealed prominent among others, that a significant relationship exists between variables of bank regulation and the level of gross domestic credit in Nigeria, taken together. Again, cash reserve ratio, liquidity ratio, and loan-to-deposit ratio had significantly affected the way Nigerian banks offer credit to various sectors of the economy. On the basis of the findingd, the study therefore, concluded among others that the selected bank regulatory instruments are adequate to predict the level of gross domestic credit thus, meaning that they actually exert significant influence on lending activities in the economy. On this premise, the study recommended among others that financial regulators should continue with the policy reforms that consolidate the emerging confidence in the banking sector, and avoid policy somersaults. Similarly, well-articulated banking regulatory policies were recommended to ensure that banks performance is enhanced.Item Open Access Quality evaluation of fermented cow milk ( Nunu) consumed in some metrpolises in Southern Nigeria(Federal University of Technology, Owerri, 2021-09) Ezenweani, Emmanuel ChidiThe study was carried out to evaluate the quality of Nunu (fermented raw milk) taken at different sampling locations from Owerri, Obinze, Elele, Asaba and Enugu. The mean total bacterial count from these five locations were 9.55log10cfu/ml, 9.67log10cfu/ml, 9.58log10cfu/ml, 9.57log10cfu/ml, and 9.542log10cfu/ml respectively, which showed no significant difference (p>0.05) between the different locations. The mean values were significantly higher (p<0.05) than the recommended level of 6.03log10cfu/ml by East Africa Community Standards. The mean total Campylobacter count also showed no significant difference (p>0.05) between the different locations, with least mean value 3.49log10cfu/ml from Owerri and Enugu. The mean total Salmonella count also showed no significant difference (p>0.05) with mean least value of 1.28log10cfu/ml, and highest of 1.8695log10fu/ml, from Asaba and Enugu locations respectively. There was significant difference (p<0.05) in staphylococcal count (log10cfu/ml) between the different locations, with samples from Elele recorded the highest mean value. The mean total coliform count showed no significant difference (p>0.05) between the different locations, with means being above standard. The isolated bacteria included Staphylococcus sp, Salmonella spp, Bacillus spp, Klebsiella spp, Campylobacter spp, Enterobacter spp, Enterococcus spp, Escherichia coli, Micrococcus sp and Shigella spp. The biochemical test used to determine the milk quality such as Methylene blue and Resazurin test suggested high microbial contamination of the Nunu samples. Other biochemical tests such as alcohol test, Titrable acidity and Alkaline phosphatase activity were recorded high and was significantly (p<0.05) higher than the standard by Thai Agricultural Standard. The Temperature of the samples indicated good condition for bacterial growth as it ranged from 27.470C to 27.790C. The pH indicated an acidic condition (4.69 – 5.23) which must have been caused by lactic acid producing bacteria. This study revealed that Nunu samples analysed contained heavy metals such as cadmium, lead and zinc but within permissible level. The nutritional composition showed that the values for protein, fat, and carbohydrate were within permissible level. This study concluded that the quality of Nunu produced and marketed in these five cities in southern Nigeria was poor, and consumers may be at risk of contracting milk-borne infections from continuous consumption of Nunu from these locations as at the time of this study. It is recommended that public health officers and all stakeholders in the food and health industry should play their roles in order to ensure safe quality Nunu production.Item Open Access Constituent budget and pollution models of Njaba River and its sediments, SouthEastern Nigeria(Federal University of Technology, Owerri, 2021-12) Abiahu, Chidimma Maria GorattiThe physical, microbial, and geochemical properties of the Njaba River and its sediments were analyzed using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS), digital meters, and Total Plate Counts. A total of ten (10) surface water samples, five (5) soil samples, and five (5) sediment samples were obtained at five gauge stations (S1 to S5) designated at equal intervals of 2 km along the stretch of the river. The results of the water showed a slightly acidic to alkaline composition (6.44-6.77). This trend was also noticed in the soil samples within the river basin (6.24- 6.64) while the river sediment samples revealed pH values ranging between 6.30-6.52. The Odour of the water was unobjectionable while the appearance was slightly brownish. The presence of heavy metals such as Fe, Al, Si, and Zn was within the acceptable limits. On the other hand, the concentration of Hg which ranged between 0.001-0.071 mg/l and Pb with values between 0.060-0.23 mg/l were above acceptable limits of the FME Standard at most of the stations. The microbial assay of the water, soil, and sediments revealed the presence of organisms such as Ecoli bacteria, pseudomonas, fecal coliform, and fungi. The constituent budget of the Njaba River analyzed at Okwudor and Oguta over a period of eight years (2011 – 2019) and seven years (2012 – 2019) respectively revealed an increasing loading rate of the following constituents( Ca2+ 0.013, Mg2+ 0.70, Na+0.013, K+1.68, SO2-4 0.29, NO 3 0.15, Cl- 2.97, and PO-34 0.063 ) within the Njaba River with a decline in the concentration of HCO 3 (-0.63) at Okwudor and a decline of NO 3 (-0.03) at Oguta Lake. Pollution and ecological assessment models like Contamination Factor (CF), Pollution Load Index, Enrichment Factor, and Geoaccumulation Index(Igeo) were used to infer contamination levels of heavy metals in the soil and stream sediments. The CF results revealed Hg (0.46), Pb(2.35E-4 to 0.02), Al(ND), Zn (5.71E-4 to 1.2E-3)which shows low contamination factor in soil, the same trend was also found in the sediments with Hg (0.277), Pb (2.63E-6), Al (ND), Zn (3.64E-4 to 8.14E-4) and Fe(2.10E-6 to 2.63E-6) while the water samples have very high contamination factor for Pb (6.0 to 23), Hg revealed moderately contamination to very high contamination (0.1 to 7.1), Al (ND), Zn (0.192 to 0.403) and Fe (0.1 to 0.93). The I-geo revealed uncontaminated to moderately contaminated in the soil and stream sediment samples with Hg (0.28),>Pb( 1.57E-4 to 0.01),>Zn( 3.83E-4 to 8.04E-4), and Al(ND) for the soil samples while the stream sediments were in order of Hg (0.277),>Pb (1.15E-3 to 1.27E-3),>Zn (3.64E-4 to 8.14E-4) and Al (ND). The EF revealed low to minimal enrichment for the soil and stream sediment samples with Hg (0), Pb (0.303 to 1.000), Si ( 1.000 to 1.053), Zn (0.491 to 1.000) and Al (0) in soil and Hg (0), Pb (0.907 to 1.000), Si (1.000 to 1.282), Zn (0.051 to 0.114), Fe (0.800 to 1.000) and AL (ND) for stream sediments. The river water is however suitable for agricultural purposes based on the calculated SAR values with the dominant hydrogeochemical facies given as Na+K+Cl water type. In conclusion, there is a need for necessary treatment procedures which should be applied to raise the quality of the river water to the FME standards for safe drinking water for example the pH can be corrected (raised) using sodium bicarbonate (soda ash). The heavy metals can be treated using ascorbic or ion exchange methods while the microbial assay can be improved upon subjection to treatment using chlorine.Item Open Access Mineralogical and elemental analysis of clay samples from Imo State South Eastern Nigeria(Federal University of Technology, Owerri, 2022-01) Anumata, Stanley E.This thesis characterizes five clay samples from lyinwaogba Umuosode Alike Ikenanzizi Obowo, Imo State. The characterization is based on their physicochemical properties, mineralogy and elemental analysis using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM-EDS) for Morphological characterization, Fourier Transform Infra-Red Spectroscopy (FTIR) for chemical characterization, X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence (EDXRF). The pH ranged froml.91 to 2.89, loss on ignition ranged from 4.75 % -5.32 %, Cation Exchange Capacity ranged 24.11 meq/lOOg to 26.49 meq/lOOg. Refractive index ranged from 1.45 to 1.68 while the specific gravity ranged from 2.68 to 2.96. SEM-EDs images of clay fractions (A to E), depict a typical structure of conventional quartz and. Kaolinite. The FTIR analysis of the clay samples XA*®) showed Kaolinite, C-H stretching, Si-O stretching band at 3283.2 cm'1 to 3302.4 cm’ 1 1638.9 cm’ 1 to 1710 cm’ 1indicating the presence of Kaolinite. The EDXRF results of the clay samples (Atol?) shows, elements present, the highest metal in the clay -samples is Fe, and Sr, detected in trace amount are, Pb, Zn, Mn, and Ga. Ni was not detected, Cu was not detected except in sample D, where it was found in trace amount. The XRD mineralogical data indicates the presence of some mineral phases of characteristic peak of quartz, kaolinite, anatase and pyrite in the clay samples (A-E). The general data strongly suggest that the primary constituents of the clay were kaolinite with high quartz content and average SiO2 of 58.30%. Altogether, the characteristics of the clay samples are good material for numerous industrial use.Item Open Access Development of optimal gas-to-liquids (GTL) plant using steam/Co2 reforming for synthesis gas production(Federal University of Technology, Owerri, 2022-02) Ekwueme, Stanley ToochukwuThis research work is on method for optimisation of GTL plant using Steam/CO2 reforming for syngas generation. Extensive modeling of GTL plant has been done. Two cases were considered during the simulation of the GTL plant. The first case being the base case was the use of oxygen gas as the feed reactant gas using an auto-thermal reformer for the production of synthesis gas. The alternative case which is the proposed method in this work uses CO2 in lieu of oxygen for the production of synthesis gas. CO2 method was chosen because of its cheap availability and the ability to be recycled from purge gas and reused reducing pollution. Honeywell’s Unisim software was used for the simulation and the Peng-Robinson equation of state was chosen as the fluid property package. The simulation was done unit by unit and integration of all units was made. The synthesis gas unit was simulated in Unisim as a conversion type reactor using two separate reactors while three equilibrium reactors were used to control the water gas shift reaction to maintain favourable H2/CO ratio. The FT reactor was modeled as a multi-tubular bed reactor and simulated as a plug flow reactor (PFR) in Unisim using heterogeneous catalytic reaction type. Technical and economic performances were analyzed for both methods. The technical analyses revealed that the proposed steam/CO2 method gave a H2/CO ratio of 2.17 compared to 2.21 obtained for the autothermal reformer (ATR). Furthermore the carbon efficiency of the two methods revealed 77.68% and 92.17% for base case and the proposed method respectively making the proposed method more efficient. The liquid yield shows that the proposed method has a liquid yield of 5730b/d over the 5430b/d obtained from the base case representing an increase in product yield of 5.5%. The economic analyses show a quicker pay-out time of 4.9 years from the proposed model as against 5.9 years from the base case. Using the proposed method gave an annual cashflow increase of 20.9% and NPV increase of 59.7% at 10% discount rates. Thus the proposed method is more profitable in terms of NPV. This project will be suitable for application in the Niger Delta stranded and remote gas locations which are known for gas flaring leading to environmental pollution.Item Open Access Hydrogeophysical and aquifer protective capacity studies of Enugu and environs Southeastern Nigeria.(Federal University of Technology,Owerri, 2022-08) Udeh, Moses HarryHydrogeophysical Studies of Enugu and environs were carried out using geophysical and hydrogeological method. This study was designed to evaluate the aquifer system of the study area as well its protective capacity and vulnerability by applying the models (Lc and IEC, GOD and DRASTIC), and also to evaluate soil corrosivity of the area by utilizing the topsoil (first layer) resistivity values obtained from the interpreted VES results. A total of eighty-five (85) vertical electrical sounding points were made in the study area that has three to nine geo-electric layers using the digital ABEM SAS 4000 model Terrameter with its accessories. The Schlumberger electrode configuration was adopted for data acquisition with half current electrode separation (AB/2) of 500m and half potential electrode separation (MN/2) of 55m. Nineteen (19) parametric soundings were carried out near existing boreholes where pumping data was available for correlative purposes and to constrain model predicting parameters. The aquifer resistivity of the area ranged from a value of 2.8 Ωm to 88745.0 Ωm, with a mean value of 5434.6 Ωm. The estimation of the characteristics of the aquifer hydraulic using the new set of model equations showed that hydraulic conductivity values varied between 1.05m/day and 34.06m/day with a mean value of 5.59m/day, while transmissivity values varied between 25.70 m2/day and 2767.81 m2/day with a mean value of 500.05 m2/day. Generally, the groundwater potentials of the area are classified into three categories: moderate, high, and very high potential zones. The multiple geophysical models were used together to develop maps of hydraulic parameters. The obtained GOD, and DRASTIC models were together used for the production of the vulnerability map. Results based on the GOD model clearly show that about 60% of the study area is within the class of extremely low groundwater vulnerability zones, 33% is within the class of low vulnerability zones, and 7% of the area is within the class of moderate vulnerability zone. Also, results based on the DRASTIC model revealed that about 31% of the study area is within the low class of vulnerability zones, 67% is within the class of moderate zones, while 2% is within the high class of vulnerability zones. The evaluated soil corrossivity of the area showed that 78% of the area is practically non-corrosive (PNC) and can be rated as moderately competent to highly competent strata; 13% of the area is said to be slightly corrosive, which is rated as moderately competent to incompent strata; and the remaining 9% is moderately and very strongly corrosive, which is rated as an incompenet material to construct on. The aquifer protective capacity of the study area were determined using longitudinal conductance technique. The protective capacity of the area classified into zone ofexcellent, very good, good, moderate, weak and poor protective capacity rating. Similarly, IntegratedElectrical Conductivity technique was also used to determine the protective capacity of the area, the result indicates that the aquifer system in the study area has low protective capacity and the areas are susceptible to contamination based on the IEC technique.Item Open Access Dietary paterns and the risk of hypertension among adults in Ehime Mbano Local Government Area, Imo State(Federal University of Technology, Owerri, 2022-08) Duru, Loveday OnyewuchiThe present study was aimed at assessing the dietary pattern and the risk of hypertension among adults in Ehime Mbano LGA, Imo State. Nigeria. It was designed as a descriptive community based cross sectional study for a rural setting in Nigeria. The study population involved adults of age 18 years to 65years who were residents of the study LGA. Multi-stage sampling technique was used to sample the study population. The participants were measured of their hypertension status and were also assessed of their food dietary patterns using a modified food frequency questionnaire that captured foods consumed in the area and the quantities consumed. Initial data analysis was performed using descriptive technique. Principal component analysis method was used to identify the dietary pattern in the area and Chi-square test was used to test for association in the independent categorical data with hypertension. Logistic regression was used to relate the dietary patterns and hypertension, while adjusting for other variables of age, gender, income, and family history of hypertension. There were a total of 424 subjects involved in the study, total of 156 (36.8%) were within 36-45 years old, 128 (30.2%) were of 46 – 55 years of age, 81 (19.1%) were between 18-35 year and the remaining 59 (13.9%) were above 55 years of age. The male subjects were 246 (58%) while the females were 178 (42%). The prevalence of hypertension was found to be 41.5%. In this study Age, gender and education showed significant association with hypertension among the study group, age (p =0.018, χ2 = 10.06), gender (p =0.030, χ2 = 4.73), and education (p =0.033, χ2 = 8.717). After adjusting the socio-demographics factors (alcohol intake, smoking status, Family history of hypertension) for hypertension and dietary patterns, local diet pattern is the only significant pattern found in this study (p =0.035,, 95% CI = 0.108 – 0.922). About 63.5% of the study participant with family history of hypertension had 4-fold risk of hypertension when compared to those with non family history of hypertension (OR=4.146, 95% CI = 2.483 - 6.924). In this study, three dietary patterns comprised of local diet foods, Fruits and vegetable diets and combined food diets were extracted. study participants comprising of Local diet foods, (p<0.001), fruits and vegetable patterns (p< 0.002) showed significant association with hypertension as independent variables, while only the local food diets showed significant inverse relationship with hypertension after adjustment (p=0.35, AOR=0.316). There is need to adequately study the local diet foods consumed in the study area while at the same time, other factor of age, income, family history associating with hypertension should be addressed. There is need to encourage the consumption of some of the local foods from rural communities, this will help to improve the quality of life of people with respect to their dietary patterns.
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