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Recent Submissions

ItemOpen Access
Coping strategies of mothers of school aged children with sickle cell disease in Enugu metropolis, Enugu State, Nigeria
(Federal University of Technology, Owerri, 2021-09) Obi, Ifeyinwa Nneamaka
The study on coping strategies of mothers of school aged children with sickle cell disease (SCD) in Enugu metropolis, Enugu state, Nigeria was carried out between June and August 2017. The overall objective was to determine the coping strategies of mothers of school age children with SCD accessing treatment in health facilities in Enugu metropolis. To achieve the overall objectives, four specific objectives were set. This study was designed as across sectional study and a sample size of 292 mothers were selected using the systematic sampling method from a total population of 460 mothers whose children were accessing treatment for SCD from both UNTH and ESUTH. One hundred and fifty-four (154) were chosen from UNTH while one hundred and thirty-eight (138) were from ESUTH. A structured questionnaire (0.88) was used as instrument for data collection. Data analysis was done using chi-square test and significance was tested at P<0.05. The marital status of mothers showed that, 200 (68.5%) mothers were married and 92(31.5%) were single. Regarding the number of school age children suffering SCD per mother, the result showed that, 248(84.9%) mothers had one child suffering SCDand44(15.1%) mothers had more than one child suffering sickle cell disease. The result on stressors confronting the mothers shows six factors which were; hospital factors, child factors, financial factors, psychological factors, disease factors and family factors. The association between these factors and marital status of these mothers were significant (P<0.05), aside from disease factors which had no significant association with the marital status of the mothers.(X2=0.000, P =1.000, df =2). Hospital factors were coped through confronting the impediments 180(61.6%), financial factors were coped throughcomplaints202(69.1%), child factors were coped through confronting the stressors, psychological factors were coped through complaints 140(47.9%), disease actors were coped through complaints 292(100.0%) and family factors were mainly coped through confronting the stressors. There were significant associations between coping mechanisms adopted by mothers and mothers marital status (P<0.05), aside from coping mechanisms on disease factors which had no significant association with marital status of the mothers. This study has shown that both married and single mothers of children with SCD experience significant stress which they adopt various ways of coping with. It is important for policy makers to provide necessary psychological care and support for these women in other to alleviate their stress.
ItemOpen Access
Comparative analysis of IPR models for oil & gas well optimization using production performance software (PERFORM) for steady state horizontal wells
(Federal University of Technology, Owerri, 2021-04) Nwude, Afam Anthony
In this work an investigation of the formulations and solution methods for the following optimization problem was done. Determination of the optimal production rates, lift gas rates, and well connections to maximize daily operational objectives subject to multiple flow rates and pressure constraints.The main materials used in this research are presented as software platforms. IHS PERFORM Ver 500 simulator was used to generate PI, determine Inflow and Vertical Lift Performance of the case study well at varying well pressure and flow rates (first on natural flow without artificial lift installed). Microsoft Excel package was used for Economic Analysis to determine the profitability of PERFORM when compared with other software tool such as Petex-Prosper, or with no software tool used. All of the optimization problems are solved using derivative-free optimization based on a constrained well Performance Analysis, PERFORM. General descriptions of the software simulations were provided in the work. Results of the sensitivity analysis on the hypothetical case using the IPR Models for horizontal gas wells provided the effect on pressure and liquid drop out.This method is very efficient. However, it may lead to bad solutions when the flow interactions among wells are significant.
ItemOpen Access
Germicidal activities of some selected disinfectants on staphylococcus aureus and escherichia coli
(Medwin Publishers, 2020-06-16) Mgbemena, Ifeyinwa Celestina
The germicidal efficacy of four common disinfectants used for different purposes was tested against two common pathogens namely Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. The disinfectants (Dettol, Jik, Izal and Purit) were diluted with sterile distilled water to achieve different concentrations (100%, 50%, 25%, 12.5% and 6.25%) and they were tested on the two organisms using Agar well diffusion method. The plates were allowed to incubate for 24 hours at 37℃.The germicidal efficiency of the disinfectants was evaluated by measuring the zone of inhibition of each disinfectant based on their varying concentrations. Dettol was observed to have the highest inhibition at 100% concentration and was more germicidal on E. coli than S. aureus with Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) value of 1:16 dilution against the two test organisms. This was closely followed by Jik which also showed more inhibitory activity against E. coli at the initial concentration recording the second highest inhibition rate compared to other disinfectants, but its efficacy decreased as the concentration dropped. Jik exhibited MIC value of 1:8 and 1:2 dilutions for Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli respectively. Purit showed more inhibitory activity on S. aureus with 3.8mm zone of inhibition as against 1.3mm at 100% concentration, recording MIC value of 1:8 dilution on S. aureus and 1:16 dilution for E. coli. The disinfectant Izal was observed to be the lowest as it did not inhibit the growth of any of the organisms, indicating resistance of the organisms to the disinfectant at all concentrations. All the disinfectants apart from Izal inhibited the two test isolates. Only Dettol proved to be best among them. Therefore, Dettol is encouraged to be used in homes to prevent pathogenic infection.
ItemOpen Access
Evaluation of toxicological effects ethanol extracts of mimosa pudica in adult male albino rats
(U. P., 2018) Ugenyi, Assumpta U.; Ozoh, Pactrick. O.; Ukwandu, N. C.; Mgbemena, Ifeyinwa C.; Okorie, Chioma C.; Onyeocha, Ignatius O.
This study evaluated the in vivo toxicity effect of ethanolic extracts of Mimosa pudica in adult male albino rats. Acute toxicity test was carried out with Lorke′s method. Fifteen male rats weighing 130-160 g were used for the sub-chronic study. The rats were divided into three groups 1-3 (n=5), Group 3 served as control, Groups 1 and 2 received 200 mg/kg and 400 mg/kg body weight doses of the extracts respectively. Acute toxicity test carried out showed that the leaf extracts of M. pudica at a single dose of 5000 mg/kg produced treatment- related signs of toxicity and mortality in the test animals. The LD50 of this plant extract was 3808 kg/mg which is less than 5000 kg/kg. Sub-chronic oral toxicity study, the administration of 200 mg/kg and 400 mg/kg of M. pudica extracts per body weight revealed significant increase (p ˂0.05) in the mean body weight, no significant difference (p˃0.05) for liver and renal function, oxidative stress and cardiac function, heamatological parameters, relative organ weight of the rats compared to the control groups. Biochemical parameters significantly increased (p˂0.05) in a dose dependent manner while haematological parameters significantly decreased (p˃0.05). Mild infiltration of the inflammatory cells and necrosis of the organs were observed. The use of leaf extracts of M. pudica is safe but intake of high doses and prolonged use may cause organ toxicity.
ItemOpen Access
Study on the effects of hydraulic dredging and disposal operations on water quality of Nworie River, South-Eastern Nigeria
(Science Publishing Group, 2017-03-11) Udensi, Justina Ugochi; Ogbulie, Ekwutosi Tochukwu; Emeka-Nwabunnia, Ijeoma; Chikezie, Nkeiruka Uche; Godson, Ugochukwu Mmasi; Nwaku, Awurum Ivy; Mgbemena, Ifeyinwa Celestina
A study was done to ascertain the effect of hydraulic dredging and spoils disposal on the physicochemical parameters of Nworie River. The study was carried out from July 2010 to January, 2012. Water samples were collected prior to, during and monitored several months after dredging. The samples were collected from 5 stations: station 1 was the dredging point, stations 2 and 3 were 250m and 500m upstream of the point, while and stations 4 and 5 were 250m and 500m downstream of it respectively. The physicochemical parameters of the water were analysed prior to dredging and most of the values obtained were within acceptable limit of established water standards. The pH was within the range of 6.5-7.8, Temperature 27.6-29.9°C, Conductivity 34-196µs/cm, Turbidity 0-76NTU, TDS 22.1-127.4 mg/l, TSS 9-51 mg/l, Nitrate 1.2- 33.6mg/l, Phosphate 0.2-3.7mg/l, Sulphate 0- 33 mg/l, Dissolved Oxygen 4.3-9.4 mg/L and BOD5 2.5 - 7.9 mg/l. During the dredging, the water physicochemistry changed: pH values decreased drastically to 4.6, DO to 1.3mg/l, Nitrate to 1.2 mg/l. Temperature increased to 30. 2°C, Turbidity 620NTU, TSS 349mg/L, Conductivity 498µs/cm, TDS 249 mg/l, BOD5 19.1mg/l, Sulphate 33mg/l and Phosphate was 0.92mg/l. Three months after the dredging, the values for the parameters returned to their pre-dredging concentrations, however during rainy season, as the leachates and silts from the spoils were washed into the river, this prolonged the recovery of the river system to 9 months. This implies that the effect of dredging on the river is of short term but the disposal of the excavated materials at the river bank compounded and prolonged these impacts.