Modified food gum (Cissus populnea) fibers: microstructural behaviour, physico - mechanical properties and kinetics of water absorption



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Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN).


The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of chemical modifications on the properties of Cissus populnea fibers. The method involve chemicaltreatments of C. populnea fibers using sodium hydroxide (NaOH), sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS) and ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA). Microstructural behaviour (scanning electron microscope ‘SEM’ and fourier transform infrared ‘FTIR’ analysis), mechanical properties (tensile strength, modulus, elongation and energy at break), the physical properties (aspect ratio, density and water absorption) were determined and compared with untreated Cissus populnea fibers. SEM topography and FTIR spectra, respectively, revealed the change in morphology and structure after treatments which resulted to increase in tensile properties of Cissus populnea fibers. The treatments increased the aspect ratio with reduced density and water absorption capacity of Cissus populnea fibers. SLS and EDTA treatments, respectively, increased the tensile strength of Cissus populnea fibers by 298.46 and 250.86 %. Hence, SLS is superior as surface modification for improving tensile strength while EDTA treatment superior for improving tensile modulus and hydrophobic nature of Cissus populnea fibers.


A short article on Modified food gum(Cissus populnea) fibers" It contains tables, graphs and pictures.


SEM, FTIR, Peleg’s model, water diffusion., Cissus populnea fibers, Biomedical Technology


Azeez, T. O. & Onukwuli, D. O. (2016). Modified food gum (Cissus populnea) fibers: microstructural behaviour, physico -mechanical properties and kinetics of water absorption. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 11, No. 17, P. 10655-10663