Benefciation of Nigerian bentonite using local materials
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Original Paper-Production Engineering
In previous studies, it has been found that the Nigerian bentonite is defcient in terms of its fuid loss and rheological properties which includes yield point. Also, due to its high calcium content and low sodium content as opposed to foreign bentonite, it does not meet the API standard of drilling. This research was carried out to benefciate the Nigerian bentonite as regards its fuid loss properties, rheological properties and wellbore stability. Snail shell is seen as waste substance in Nigeria, and Mucuna solannie on the other hand is a local major food supplement in Nigeria and is found in large quantities. The elemental and oxide compositions of the snail shell and Mucuna solannie were determined through scanning electron microscope and X-ray difraction measurements, respectively. The additives were used to benefciate the Nigerian bentonite, and the test result proved that at considerable concentrations of the additives, the Nigerian bentonite was able to compete with foreign bentonite and also met API specifcations. Both additives contain high concentrations of nanoparticles and inhibitive calcium and potassium for wellbore stability. Benefciated Nigerian bentonite also proved to be viable economically when compared with foreign bentonite.
An article on Nigerian bentonite with tables, graphs and pictures
Benefciation, economic analysis, fluid loss, foreign bentonite, mucuna solannie, Nigeria bentonite, rheological properties, Department of Petroleum Engineering, Snail shell
Igwilo, K. C., Uwaezuoke N Okoli N., Obasi, F. T. & Okoro, E. E.(2020). Benefciation of Nigerian bentonite using local materials. Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology.