Evaluation of toxicological effects ethanol extracts of mimosa pudica in adult male albino rats


This study evaluated the in vivo toxicity effect of ethanolic extracts of Mimosa pudica in adult male albino rats. Acute toxicity test was carried out with Lorke′s method. Fifteen male rats weighing 130-160 g were used for the sub-chronic study. The rats were divided into three groups 1-3 (n=5), Group 3 served as control, Groups 1 and 2 received 200 mg/kg and 400 mg/kg body weight doses of the extracts respectively. Acute toxicity test carried out showed that the leaf extracts of M. pudica at a single dose of 5000 mg/kg produced treatment- related signs of toxicity and mortality in the test animals. The LD50 of this plant extract was 3808 kg/mg which is less than 5000 kg/kg. Sub-chronic oral toxicity study, the administration of 200 mg/kg and 400 mg/kg of M. pudica extracts per body weight revealed significant increase (p ˂0.05) in the mean body weight, no significant difference (p˃0.05) for liver and renal function, oxidative stress and cardiac function, heamatological parameters, relative organ weight of the rats compared to the control groups. Biochemical parameters significantly increased (p˂0.05) in a dose dependent manner while haematological parameters significantly decreased (p˃0.05). Mild infiltration of the inflammatory cells and necrosis of the organs were observed. The use of leaf extracts of M. pudica is safe but intake of high doses and prolonged use may cause organ toxicity.


This work was done in collaboration with a FUTO staff


Mimosa pudica, toxicity, mortality, effects, complication, usage, Department of Health Sciences


Ugenyi, A. U., Ozoh, P. O., Ukwandu, N. C., Mgbemena, I. C., Okorie, C. C. & Onyeocha, I. O. (2018). Evaluation of toxicological effects ethanol extracts of mimosa pudica in adult male albino rats. International Journal of Advanced Research in Biological Sciences, 5(10), 98 - 109