Comparative analysis of IPR models for oil & gas well optimization using production performance software (PERFORM) for steady state horizontal wells



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Federal University of Technology, Owerri


In this work an investigation of the formulations and solution methods for the following optimization problem was done. Determination of the optimal production rates, lift gas rates, and well connections to maximize daily operational objectives subject to multiple flow rates and pressure constraints.The main materials used in this research are presented as software platforms. IHS PERFORM Ver 500 simulator was used to generate PI, determine Inflow and Vertical Lift Performance of the case study well at varying well pressure and flow rates (first on natural flow without artificial lift installed). Microsoft Excel package was used for Economic Analysis to determine the profitability of PERFORM when compared with other software tool such as Petex-Prosper, or with no software tool used. All of the optimization problems are solved using derivative-free optimization based on a constrained well Performance Analysis, PERFORM. General descriptions of the software simulations were provided in the work. Results of the sensitivity analysis on the hypothetical case using the IPR Models for horizontal gas wells provided the effect on pressure and liquid drop out.This method is very efficient. However, it may lead to bad solutions when the flow interactions among wells are significant.


This thesis is for the award of Master of Engineering (M.ENG) in Petroleum Engineering


Analysis, IPR (Inflow Performance Relationship), PERFORM, optimization, horizontal well, Department of Petroleum Engineering


Nwude, A. A. (2021). Comparative analysis of IPR models for oil & gas well optimization using production performance software (PERFORM) for steady state horizontal wells (Unpublished Master's Thesis). Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria

