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Item Open Access Application of geographic information system (GIS) in accuracy assessment of existing land use map a case study of Enugu Area, South-Eastern Nigeria(Scientific & Academic Publishing, 2012) Onunkwo, A. A.; Nwankwo, G. I.; Uzoije, A. P.; Okereke, C. N.It is suspected that continuous building collapses within Enugu area is due to faulty landuse map. This work aims at employing geographic information system principles to assess the validity of the existing landuse map of Enugu area. Three landuse options were considered (Industrial, residential and waste). The study was undertaken using Arc view 3.2a academic, Excel Statistical Software and autocard software of GIS. A total of 12 landuse determinants were selected as thematic data layers and basic factors influencing the choice of industrial, residential and waste disposal landuses. Soil characteristics and geology were integrated into the thematic maps to facilitate the weighting of the basic determinants. The thematic layers were weighted on a scale of 0% - 100% and 0-2 inclusive, using the criteria obtained from field work and laboratory investigation. The thematic layers for each landuse were subjected to overlay using arc view software overlay model builder. The operation yielded three (3) different landuse maps (Industrial, residential and wasted disposal,) which were further superimposed to produce a composite landuse map useful for regional and urban planning. Correlation with existing landuse map, exposed a lot of limitations of the existing landuse map. All the residential and industrial areas of the existing landuse map fall within the low capacity areas of the present study. Areas selected as open space by the existing landuse map correspond to the areas of industrial and residential land uses of the present study. Areas limited for use by the present study due to hazards of flooding, landslide, fault and gully erosion were not considered by the existing landuse map, rather they were mapped out for industrial, residential and partly as open space. The existing landuse map has no provision for waste disposal. The present study shows that areas to the West, Southwest and Southeast are highly suitable for industrial and residential landuses. The limitations of the existing landuse map exposed by the present study must have accounted for the cases of building collapses in the area.Item Open Access Application of geographic information system (GIS) in composite land capability index mapping of a developing country (A case study of Enugu area, South -Eastern, Nigeria,(U. P., 2011) Onunkwo, A. A.; Ibeneme, S. I.; Onyekuru, S. O.; Uzoije, A. P.Enugu, the area under study is experiencing a high rate of population growth. Problems of housing, on employment, waste disposals and the general lowering of standard of living are always associated with over population. It has therefore become necessary to map out areas of residential, industrial and waste disposal land use for future utilization. Land capability index mapping using geographic information system(GIS) is one of the appropriate tools for solving these impending problems. Land capability index mapping of Enugu environs in composite form has been undertaken using Arc view 3.2 academic, excel statistical software and GIS Authcard software. A total of 12 land use determinants have been selected as the thematic data layers and the basic factors influencing the choice of waste, residential and industrial land use. These themes which are in map form are slope, water table, surface and subsurface water conditions, elevation, geology, soil, drainage and geo-structural stability(fault, erosion, landslide and flooding). These maps have been scanned, geo-referenced , digitized and polygonized using authcard drawing capacities to convert them to vector formats and later exported to arc view software environment for analysis. The thematic layers were weighted using the criteria obtained from fieldwork, laboratory and literature surveys. The thematic layers were further subjected to overlays using the arcview software overlay model builder. The operation yields layers showing areas of preferred waste disposal, residential and industrial landuse options in a map form. Three different maps of land use options(waste, industrial and residence) were produced. Areas of varying suitability were isolated, 3 each for waste, residence and industry, indicating suitable, low suitability and unsuitable areas respectively. The three land use maps were superimposed to obtain a single one appropriate for purposes of urban environmental planning.Item Open Access Application of geographic information system (GIS) in industrial land capability index mapping of a developing country: a case study of Enugu area, South-Eastern Nigeria.(2011-08-05) Onunkwo, A. A.; Uzoije, A. P.; Onyekuru, S. O.It was projected that the population of Enugu area will grow at approximately 300% by the year 2020. The information is further strengthened by the projected 3,237,298 population figure of the area. This implies that there is the expectation of overpopulation of the area in future. Unemployment and lowering of people’s standard of living are always associated with over population. It therefore, becomes necessary to map out areas on a sustainable basis and most suitable for the sighting of industries to employ the teeming population. Land capability index mapping using Geographic Information System (GIS) principles was used for this study. The study was undertaken using Arc View 3.2a academic, Excel statistical soft-ware and auto card software of GIS. A total of 12 land use determinants were selected as thematic data layers and basic factors influencing the choice of industrial land use. Soil characteristics and geology were integrated into the thematic maps to facilitate the weighting of the basic determinants. The thematic layers were weighted on a scale of 0%-100% and 0-2 inclusive, using the criteria obtained from field work and laboratory investigation. The thematic layers were subjected to overlay using arc view soft ware overlay model builder. The operation yielded a layer of preferred industrial land use options in a map form. 3 areas of varying suitabilities (Area 7,8 and 9) resulted from this operation. Area 7 occupies 10% of the study area suitable for industrial land use options; area 8 occupies 70% and has low suitability for industrial land use while area 9 occupies 20% of the land unit unsuitable for industrial land use.Item Open Access Comparative analysis of the quality of the shallow and deep aquifer waters of Nsukka se, Nigeria – a preliminary approach to water resource development .(Elixir Publishers, 2014) Onunkwo, A, A.; Uzoije, A. P.; Ibeneme, S. I.; Obioha, E. Y.Comparative analysis of the shallow and deep aquifers of Nsukka SE, Nigeria was studied as a preliminary approach for the underground water resource development of the region. Method of approach involves the identification of rock formations and delineation of their stratigraphic relationships. Activities involved collection and analysis of water samples from boreholes and hand dug wells. A total of 14 water samples were collected (7 from shallow and deep aquifer each) and analyzed for inorganic and organic components. Ca2+,Na+, Mn2+, Cl-, Pb and Cd were analyzed using Atomic absorption spectroscopy. K+ was determined using flame photometer method. Copper Cu2+ was analyzed using spectrophotometer, pH was analyzed with the aid of pH meter, Fe2+ was determined calorimetrically using Spekker absorption meter; Tds was determined using glass fiber filter. Turbimetric method was used to assess turbidity. Anions like HCO3- were also estimated by titrimetric method. Coliform analysis was carried out by the most probable number technique (MPN). The result shows that average pH for deep and shallow aquifer gives 5.8 and 6.3, sulphate 14.2 and 10.97, Nitrate 2.5 and 2.2., Phosphate 1.48 and 1.68, iron 1.98 and 1.60 magnesium 11.4 and 11.8, Sodium 1.80 and 2.4, Chloride 8.4 and 9, Tds 33.51 and 62.17. The coliform count ranges from 3/100 to 7/100 ml only for shallow aquifer (pollution), magnesium is the major contributors of hardness in both cases. Deep aquifer water plots as magnesium cation and a no dominant anion and on the transition between fresh and salt water (brackish water). The shallow aquifer has magnesium sulphate and plots in the zone of sea water, and shows hard water. The SAR for deep aquifer is 0.58, while that of shallow aquifer is 0.32 both are excellent for irrigation. Both waters are ideal for use in industries and homes, while the aquifers are highly polluted by iron, the shallow aquifer is polluted by water borne diseases. Reference to these information is ideal for the water resource development of the region.Item Open Access Engineering properties and uses of soil derive from maastritchian Ajali formation in a part of Se Nigeria(European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (, 2014-12) Onunkwo, A. A.; Uzoije, A. P.; Onyekuru, S. O.The study is necessitated by the recent move by Imo State government of Nigeria to raise Okigwe town to urban status. Ajali Formation being the prominent geological terrain in Okigwe area, most structures would be erected on the soil derived from it. The parameter measured include grain size, atterberg limits, and compaction, shear strength, permeability and porosity as well as bulk density. The result shows that the soil underlain by Ajali Formation within Okigwe area is sandy silt with low clay content and has plasticity index, bulk density, porosity and permeability values of 9.65%, 2.06%,kg/m3, 0.45 and 0.35cm/s respectively. The value for the optimum moisture content (OMC) maximum dry density(MDD) shear strength, angle of internal friction are 13.5%, 2.06kg/m3, 106.86KN/M2 and 28.4o. These values indicate that the soil derived from Maastrichtian Ajali Formation within Okigwe area of south eastern Nigeria is of high strength, porous and permeable and can be used as a recharge site for regional aquifer, but cannot be used as a waste disposal area or for road construction. The soil due to its low plasticity index with no swelling characteristics and high shear strength is a good site for building foundations, but cannot be used in dam construction. It is ideal for projects requiring good drainage and embankments. However, for the soil to be used in any engineering construction works, it has to be compacted to its maximum dry density value of 2.06kg/m3 within the range of optimum moisture content of 13.5% as to achieve maximum strength.Item Open Access Evaluation of groundwater quality of coastal aquifer systems in Buguma City, Rivers State South-Southern Nigeria(U. P., 2014) Uzoije, A. P.; Onunkwo, A. A.; Uche, C. C.; Ashiegbu, D.Saline intrusion has been a major source of groundwater contaminant in coastal regions. The situation has adversely affected groundwater quality . Being an essential source of freshwater for the teeming population over the world and indeed Nigeria and its suitability for various uses is largely dependent on physico-chemical quality, this study therefore selected for its quality assessment, the coastal aquifer of Buguma in rivers state Nigeria. Water samples collected from various locations using systematic random sampling were subjected to physico-chemical analysis . sodium (Na2+) (288mg/l) chloride(Cl-)(414.7mg/l) and nitrate (N03-)(64.45 mg/l) ions dominated the major ions of sample results and also exceeded the Nigerian Standard for Drinking Water Quality NSDWQ 2007 and WHO drinking water standard 2006. Among the trace elements, Fe2+ and As ions were above the drinking water regulatory limits of NSDWQ and WHO. Classification techniques were employed to provide an assessable information on the chemical composition of the water samples like the major ions in the analysis. The high proportion ofNa2+, K+ and Cl-as typified by the graphs classified the water as Na K, Cl- type which confirmed saltwater intrusion. The water therefore needs adequate treatment to raise it to portable standard.Item Open Access Evaluation of the effects of industrial wastewater discharge on surface water (A case study of Nigeria breweries Plc Enugu)(U. P., 2012-09) Egwuonwu, C. C.; Uzoije, A. P.; Okafor, V. C.; Ezeanya, N. C.; Nwachukwu, M. U.The need to undertake an evaluative effect of industrial wastewater discharge on surface water with a case study of Nigerian Breweries Plc Enugu into the Ajali River was borne out of the need to ascertain the level of Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Total suspended Solids (TSS) etc and other characterized effluent been discharged into the water body that determines the level of use and quality of this water for irrigation purposes, human consumption and safe ecological habitation of aquatic lives. To achieve this, laboratory analysis was carried out on the Ajali River and the wastewater discharged from the industry and it was confirmed not to have exceeded the benchmark for required discharge of wastewater into streams and rivers as stipulated by some regulatory bodies. In conclusion, treatment measures and regulatory policies were suggested to checkmate the abuse of this water bodies and the danger it might likely pose to aquatic ecological system if regulatory standards were not complied with.Item Open Access Evaluation of the effects of industrial wastewater discharge on surface water (A case study of Nigeria Breweries Plc Enugu)(U. P., 2012-09) Egwuonwu, C. C.; Uzoije, A. P.; Okafor, V. C.; Ezeanya, N. C.; Nwachukwu, M. U.The need to undertake an evaluative effect of industrial wastewater discharge on surface water with a case study of Nigerian Breweries Plc Enugu into the Ajali River was borne out of the need to ascertain the level of Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Total suspended Solids (TSS) etc and other characterized effluent been discharged into the water body that determines the level of use and quality of this water for irrigation purposes, human consumption and safe ecological habitation of aquatic lives. To achieve this, laboratory analysis was carried out on the Ajali River and the wastewater discharged from the industry and it was confirmed not to have exceeded the benchmark for required discharge of wastewater into streams and rivers as stipulated by some regulatory bodies. In conclusion, treatment measures and regulatory policies were suggested to checkmate the abuse of this water bodies and the danger it might likely pose to aquatic ecological system if regulatory standards were not complied with.Item Open Access Ground water quality assessment of newly created Local Governments in Nigeria – A case of Nkwerre, Local Government, Imo State(U. P., 2013) Onunkwo, A. A.; Uzoije, A. P.; Onyekuru, S. O.; Agumanu, A. E.; Chinaemelu, E. S.The creation of new Local governments in Nigeria brought about new socio-economic order such as over population, pressure on the available facilities and new land use elements with their generated wastes. There is the need to examine the present status of the underground water resource of these regions for effective development of the newly created local governments. For this reason it becomes necessary to carry out the ground water quality assessment of newly created local governments in Nigeria as a source of data base for development using Nkwerre Local Government Area of Imo State as a case study. The study was carried out by acquiring geologic and topographic maps of the area for easy identification of sample population areas and to identify geological boundaries, Spring out crops, landuse element especially waste dump sites. Agricultural and industrial projects were visited and examined. A total of 6 water samples from bore holes within six communities were collected and analyzed. Analysis was carried out using atomic absorption spectroscopy for major cations. Heavy metal analysis was undertaken using spectrophometer, potassium was determined using flame photometer method, concentration of total iron (Fe2+) was determined calorimetrically using spekker absorption meter while total dissolved solids (TDS) was determined using glass fiber filter. Turbidity. Physical parameters like ph and dissolved oxygen were measured insitu in the field with appropriate standard maters. The result of geochemical analysis shows that the water has high turbidity, high iron, slightly acidic, soft portable and suitable for industrial, agricultural and domestic purposes, but requires treatment to reduce iron and turbidity. The water type belongs to a no dominant cation and anion type and can be grouped as Mg2+-Ca2+ - So42+ - HCo3 water. North western segment in infested with ecoli bacteria. The general pollution index of 0.777 shows that the water in the area is ideal for various purposes, however, remediation of iron, turbidity and bacteria presence is proposed.Item Open Access Impact of open sewage dumpsites on groundwater quality in Igwuruta, Rivers States State, Nigeria(U. P., 2014) Edo, F. A.; Ejioju, C. C.; Uzoije, A. P.; Nwachukwu, M. A.; Okoli, C. G.This study investigated groundwater quality around an open sewage dumpsite at Igwuruta, Rivers State, Nigeria. Six monitoring boreholes sited within the vicinity of the dumpsite and a reference borehole sited about 5 km away was sampled during the rainy season of 2012. In situ determination of water temperature, pH, conductivity, salinity and dissolved oxygen concentration (DO) were made using a Horiba U-10 water quality checker and water samples collected in replicates. Heavy metals, oil content and other physicochemical parameters were also determined. The quality parameters varied as follows: pH 6.40 - 7.84 (6.79 ± 0 .07); DO 5.20 - 6.30 (5.76 ± 0.09) mg/L; Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) 1.20 - 4.60 (3.63 ± 0.22) mg/L, Chemical Oxygen Demand 2.10 - 7.00 (5.65 ± 0.34) mg/L, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 14.00 - 26.00 (20.59 ± 0.73) mg/L, total coliform counts 1.00 - 6.50 (4.48 ± 0.37) MPN; salinity 0.000 - 0.004 (0.002 ± 0.0002) ‰; SO42- 1.10 -10.00 (4.07 ± 0.57) mg/L; NO3- 1.00 - 6.80 (3.75 ± 0.49) mg/L; PO42- 0.04 - 0.66 (0.42 ± 0.05) mg/L; oil 0.000 - 0.005 (0.0020 ± 0.0003) mg/L; Pb 0.000 - 0.038 (0.022 ± 0.002) mg/L; Cr 0.001 - 0.085 (0.047 ± 0.007) mg/L; Ni 0.012 - 1.110 (0.362 ± 0.102) mg/L and Hg 0.000 - 0.001 (0.00067 ± 0.0001) mg/L. The levels of BOD, total coliform counts, PO42-, TSS, Cu, Fe, Cr and Ni exceeded the Nigerian Federal Ministry of Environment maximum permissible limit for drinking water, indicating pollution of groundwater within the sewage disposal site. Treatment of raw sewage before disposal at the dumpsite is therefore recommended.Item Open Access Model for calculating the quantity of heat absorbed by oxalic acid solution relative to the final solution pH during leaching of iron oxide Ore(U. P., 2009-09) Nwoye, C. I.; Mbuka, I. E.; Nwoye ,C. C.; Obi, M. C.; Uzoije, A. P.Model for calculating the quantity of heat absorbed by oxalic acid solution during leaching of iron oxide ore has been derived. It was observed that the validity of the model is rooted on the expression InQ = γN where both sides of the expression are approximately equal to 7. The model was found to depend on the value of the final solution pH measured during the experiment. The maximum deviation of the model predicted Q values from the corresponding experimental values was found to be less than 11% which is quite within the acceptable range of deviation limit of experimental results. The positive values of heat absorbed as obtained from experiment and model agree and show that the leaching process is endothermic in nature.Item Open Access Modeling of Nigerian peak petroleum resources depletion using turbulent flow regime with dead time(U. P., 2015-07) Kamalu, C. I.; Nnebue, N. C.; Madu, I. K.; Kamen, F. L.; Effiong, E. E.; Obibuenyi, J. I.; Uzoije, A. P.Seven simple physical non-linear, mathematical models for petroleum resource depletion for Nigeria were developed by varying the input functions of the laplace domain of the models. The models were validated with data collected from the Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR), Ministry of Petroleum Resources, Nigeria, using MATLAB 7.9 software. As a control, these models were compared with an existing model by Hubert and found to be generally better. Two best models (III and V), with R2 of 99.696% (oil), 99.680% (gas) and R2 of 99.695% (oil), 99.641% (gas) respectively compared to Hubbert’s model with R2 of 98.67% (oil), 99.26% (gas), were selected out of seven (VII) models. The plots of the derivatives of the models which gave the annual production profile were also used to determine the peak and exhaustion periods for both oil and gas. The results were within range 2062 - 2121AD and 748982AD (infinity) respectively for oil production peak and exhaustion, and within the value 2782AD and 13853AD (infinity) respectively for gas production peak and exhaustion from 1957AD. The oil and gas ultimate recovery reserves were subsequently determined at 641.3TB and 5729Qscf respectively. Hence, even though the oil will peak before gas, gas will exhaust before oil. However, this can be due to the slight lower R2 of gas as compared to that of the oilItem Open Access Resistivity methods of aquifer mapping and pollution vulnerability assessment of a part of Imo River Basin of South-Eastern Nigeria (A case study of Mbaitoli Local Government Area of Imo State, Nigeria)(IDOSI Publications, 2011) Onunkwo, A. A.; Uzoije, A. P.; Essien, A. G.Aquifer mapping and pollution vulnerability assessment of a part of Imo River basin of South-eastern Nigeria has been carried out with the aim of addressing the underground water exploitation problems inherent in the area. The instruments used for the study include aerial photographs, satellite images, topographic and geologic map of the area. Geophysical investigations were carried out with the aid of terrameter 300 SAS employing vertical resistivity soundings. Eleven selected locations were sounded using Schulumberger array with maximum electrode separation of 900 meters. Result shows that the area has average lithology of eight (8) layers with underground water occurring between the fourth and fifth layers. The lithology is dominantly sand (about 90%) sandstone (about 2%) clay / shale (about 8%). Average depth to top of aquifer ranges from 100 to 228 meters. Depth to the base of aquifer ranges from 88m to 278m while the average aquifer thickness is 33.7m. Three aquifer systems exist in the area-confined, unconfined and semi-confined. Semi-confined aquifer is dominant, while unconfined aquifer is less common. The former offers natural protection against pollution of underground water by waste effluents while the later is prone to pollution. Average resistivity of the formations is relatively high indicating a formation likely to contain abundant conglomeritic and sandstone beds capable of promoting loss of circulation and difficulty in drilling bit penetration during underground water exploitation. Areas to the west are relatively shallow while the South (Egbeada) is very deep. There is an insignificant relationship between aquifer depth and elevation. This section of Imo River basin is promising for underground water development but requires caution since conglomeritic and sandstone traces can effect adversely underground water exploitation. Down the hole electric logging is necessary considering the aquifer depth. The problem of unprotected aquifer against environmental pollution should be noted and addressed.Item Open Access Waste disposal and groundwater quality in Owerri, Nigeria(Baywood Publishing Co., Inc, 2006) Owuoma, Chukwunonye O.; Uzoije, A. P.Groundwater supply in the city of Owerri is obtained from the semi-confinedaquifer occurring at depths of 50 m to 80 m. Common sources of groundwaterpollution are leachate from waste dumpsites and sewage from septic tanks.Over seven waste dumpsites exist in Owerri metropolis, and a septic tank is acommon feature in every household. Analysis of the groundwater qualityshows that the dissolved solid and bacteria exceed the maximum permissiblelimit allowed for drinking water. The scenario is primarily due to the inabilityof the underlying rock and the coastal plain sand, to geochemically attenuatethe contaminants adequately. Proper treatment of water from both the private and public boreholes should be enforced.