Application of geographic information system (GIS) in composite land capability index mapping of a developing country (A case study of Enugu area, South -Eastern, Nigeria,

dc.contributor.authorOnunkwo, A. A.
dc.contributor.authorIbeneme, S. I.
dc.contributor.authorOnyekuru, S. O.
dc.contributor.authorUzoije, A. P.
dc.descriptionA research article on geographic information system (GIS) in composite land capability index mapping. It contains tables, maps and illustrations.
dc.description.abstractEnugu, the area under study is experiencing a high rate of population growth. Problems of housing, on employment, waste disposals and the general lowering of standard of living are always associated with over population. It has therefore become necessary to map out areas of residential, industrial and waste disposal land use for future utilization. Land capability index mapping using geographic information system(GIS) is one of the appropriate tools for solving these impending problems. Land capability index mapping of Enugu environs in composite form has been undertaken using Arc view 3.2 academic, excel statistical software and GIS Authcard software. A total of 12 land use determinants have been selected as the thematic data layers and the basic factors influencing the choice of waste, residential and industrial land use. These themes which are in map form are slope, water table, surface and subsurface water conditions, elevation, geology, soil, drainage and geo-structural stability(fault, erosion, landslide and flooding). These maps have been scanned, geo-referenced , digitized and polygonized using authcard drawing capacities to convert them to vector formats and later exported to arc view software environment for analysis. The thematic layers were weighted using the criteria obtained from fieldwork, laboratory and literature surveys. The thematic layers were further subjected to overlays using the arcview software overlay model builder. The operation yields layers showing areas of preferred waste disposal, residential and industrial landuse options in a map form. Three different maps of land use options(waste, industrial and residence) were produced. Areas of varying suitability were isolated, 3 each for waste, residence and industry, indicating suitable, low suitability and unsuitable areas respectively. The three land use maps were superimposed to obtain a single one appropriate for purposes of urban environmental planning.
dc.identifier.citationOnunkwo, A. A., Ibeneme, S. I., Onyekuru, S. O., & Uzoije, A. P., (2011). Application of geographic information system (GIS) in composite land capability index mapping of a developing country (A case study of Enugu area, South -Eastern, Nigeria. Global Jour. of Engg. & Tech. 4(4): pp. 483-492
dc.publisherU. P.
dc.subjectland capacity
dc.subjectindex mapping
dc.subjectSouth-Eastern Nigeria
dc.subjectDepartment of Geosciences
dc.subjectDepartment of Environmental Engineering
dc.titleApplication of geographic information system (GIS) in composite land capability index mapping of a developing country (A case study of Enugu area, South -Eastern, Nigeria,


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