Ogueri, E. I.Chikaire, J. U.Ibe, M. N.Ajaero, J. O.2024-12-042024-12-042019-05-17Ogueri, E. I., Chikaire, J. U., Ibe, M. N. & Ajaero, J. O. (2019). Effects of crop farmers/pastoralists conflicts on sustainable livelihood assets and strategies of displaced farmers in Imo State, Nigeria. Agriculture Research International Journal, 1(1), 1-6https://repository.futo.edu.ng/handle/20.500.14562/1572A research research article on "crop farmers/pastoralists conflicts on sustainable livelihood" It contains tablesOne of the effects of crop farmers/pastoralists conflicts is displacement of the farming population the world over, Nigeria not exceptional. This work investigates the effects of conflicts on livelihood strategies and assets of displaced farmers in Imo state. A total of 300 crop farmers was selected randomly from the affected communities. Questionnaire complimented with oral discussion were used to elicit information from the respondents. Data collected were analyzed using percentage, mean and standard deviation presented in tables. Results showed that major livelihood strategies of the crop farmers were farming with 100 percent response, followed by wage labour (94.6%), sales of wild fruits (70%) and migration of work labour outside the community (73.3%). Conflicts affect livelihood strategies by restriction of movement which prevents farmers from moving and risks to personal safety (72.3%). Conflicts affect all the five livelihood assets beginning with the social assets by its disruption of community life (M=2.79), collapse of local authority (M=3.40), disruption of family goals/life (M=2.50) among others. On the human assets, conflicts leads to death of laborers /farmer workers (M=3.32), sexual harassment (M=2.56), separation of family members (M=2.45). The physical assets affected included disruption of health services and infrastructures, closure of schools, looting of possessions among others, while the financial and natural assets affected included destruction of crops and animals, market closure, destruction of water wells, contamination of water, and low abandoned and limited asset to farmenAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 InternationalPastoralistsLivelihoodsConflictsDisplaced farmersAssetsStrategiesDepartment of Agricultural ExtensionEffects of crop farmers/pastoralists conflicts on sustainable livelihood assets and strategies of displaced farmers in Imo State, NigeriaArticle