Abara, Chinaza Comfort2025-02-182025-02-182023-02Abara, C. C. (2023). Baseline backgroud radiation in offices within Federal University of Technology, Owerri (Unpublished Masters Thesis). Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeriahttps://repository.futo.edu.ng/handle/20.500.14562/1636Master of Science ( M.Sc ) Degree in Radiation and Health PhysicsThe background radiation of various offices in the various Departments in Federal University of Technology, Owerri (FUTO) was assessed. The study area is located at N5°23.5615’ and E 6°59.175pp8’. The background radiation level was assessed using a well calibrated digital Geiger – Muller Counter GCA – 04W. The indoor background radiation of about five offices in each of the fifty Departments (also the center for energy and power systems research) in FUTO was measured. The average value of the measured background ionizing radiation (BIR) is 0.0052 µSv/h and standard deviation of 0.0035 µSv/h which is much lower than the world average of 0.274 µSv/h. The highest value obtained was observed in the Department of Food Science and Technology as 0.0873±0.0432µSv/h, while the lowest value was recorded in Mathematics Department as 0.0006±0.0001µSv/h. Radiological hazard indices from the BIR measurement was obtained and the highest value of the absorbed dose rate was recorded in the Department of Food Science and Technology as 75.934 nGy/h. The lowest value was recorded as 0.548 nGy/h in Mathematics Department. The highest value is significantly higher than the world average of 59 nGy/h. For the annual effective dose equivalent (AEDE), the average value for all the offices is 22.313±14.092 µSv/y, which is lower than the world average of 410 µSv/y. Also, the lowest value of excess life cancer risk(ELCR) is 0.007×10-3in Mathematics. The highest value is 1.024×10-3in Food Science and Technology Department, which is significantly higher than the world average of 0.29×10-3. In the Departments of Crop Science, Financial Management Technology, and Centre for Energy & Power Systems Research, values of 0.301×10-3, 0.351×10-3 and 0.393×10-3 respectively were recorded and found to be higher than the world average value of 0.29×10-3. The results showed that, of all the Departments, the Department of Food science and Technology might pose the highest radiological risk due to having the highest levels of BIR and resulting hazard indices. Generally, FUTO is relatively safe from the hazards of BIR.enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 InternationalBaseline backgroundradiationradiation in officestypes of radiationFUTODepartment of PhysicsBaseline backgroud radiation in offices within Federal University of Technology, OwerriMaster’s Thesis